To love our kids is to give them 100%

The Love Our Kids Blog is where Adriel, Jeriel, mama and papa like to hang out whenever we have something to share with each other.

It's a journal about we live, what we do, where we go...and many more.

The blog will keep you up-to-date with how the kids are doing and growing, parenting tips we learn along the way, and some recent pictures...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri!

It's festive seasons again in Malaysia. This year, Deepavali and Hari Raya are just 3 days apart, one on Saturday and the other on Tuesday. Malaysian again will have their long holidays and long journey home.

For us, we already planned to visit the kids' grandparents in Kuantan. We started our journey to Kuantan in the evening to avoid the traffic jam. It's a norm all roads in Malaysia are jammed during festive seasons. One must know when to travel!

Upon reaching Kuantan, Jeriel was the happiest kid in he missed his grandparents, especially his grandma very much. He even wanted to sleep together with them.

We will spend 3 nights in Kuantan for the festive seasons.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Swimming Lesson

Adriel started his swimming lesson today. I told him a week earlier to prepare him for the lesson. He's not happy about it as he's afraid of water. Nonetheless, he obediently followed me to the swimming pool where he takes his lesson.

I was quite worried if Adriel would go into the 1.2-meter-deep pool. He likes to play with the water but only in the baby pool, not even the children pool. Nobody could persuade him to step into the adult pool.

Fortunately, my worries vanished as he again
obediently followed the instructor's instruction to slide into the pool. Ehm...that's my boy!!

Adriel was doing
amazingly well. There were another 2 boys learning together with him. They were all having fun. All the 3 mamas at the pool side were having great time seeing their boys enjoying themselves.

I would like to see one day Adriel and Jeriel can swim in different styles in the pool. However, this is not the most important objective of the swimming lesson. What I would really like them to achieve is that they have no fear of water, and that they have basic swimming skill to survive in water.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Final Exams

Today is the start of the 5-day final exams for Adriel. A month before the exams, Adriel and I (and sometimes papa) had sat at the desk to review all the relevant subjects and topics to be tested in the exams.

There were 4 exams over the year. Every time when the exam approached nearer and nearer, our nerves would also get more and more tied and twisted. I didn't quite remember how I felt during exam time when I was in primary one...but as far as I could recall, it was never that bad.

Also, I couldn't remember if my mom or dad had ever sat down with me to review my lessons. My mom told me that she'd never had to worry too much as we would take the initiative to study on our own.

But kids nowadays are much more dependent. Adriel's exam is also my exam as I have to learn together with guide him as well as to stay up late with him. Having said that, today's kids are indeed more stressful than us previously. They're expected to excel in almost everything!

As for me, I hope Adriel would do his best.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Jeriel Hospitalized

Jeriel was very sick on Friday morning. He briefly woke up and what he did was only crying for me. He's been sick (again diarrhea and vomit) for the past 2 days, but that day was terrible. And he's not been eating much since.

I was a bit concerned.
He's an active kid and this was definitely not his own self. I took him to his pediatrician. She advised me to give him a lot of liquid and watch for sign of dehydration. She recommended yogurt drink and candy if Jeriel refused to take any other food. He vomited again on the way home.

Jeriel took 1 bottle of Vitagen and 2 Mentos (his favorite sweets), and continued to sleep. I sensed that I couldn't wait anymore. He's badly dehydrated. In no time, I took him to the hospital again. He needed to be on drip to be hydrated again.

It was an ordeal to watch Jeriel cried while his pediatrician inserting the needle to his tiny hand. He should have been cheerfully singing and playing with his toys at home. But...this was what he had to go through.

Altogether Jeriel had 4½ packets of sodium solution (what's the medical term for it?). It was a great relief to see he's alert again after the first night in the hospital. By the second night, he's discharged since he's well hydrated. (He's discharged at night because he asked his doc to allow him to!!)

I was thankful that God was with us throughout and Jeirel's back to normal again.